how can one turn off Content-Type: text/html ? - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

how can one turn off Content-Type: text/html ? (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by Glenn, Saturday, December 08, 2007, 03:13 (5992 days ago)

I've been testing wodSmtp.ocx for a few days now.
I'm using VBA6 in MS Access 2003.

What I would like to do is Connect, send about 100 messages,
and then Disconnect.
Some of the message are just plain text,
and some have both plain text and HTML. The 2 types are random.
When required, I would like to create Message.HTMLText myself.

The problem occurs when a message with both plain and html,
is followed by one with just plain.
For the 2nd one, if I assign Message.HTMLText = ,
then the 2nd message just has an empty text/html part.
This is not good.

I figure that maybe I could find out the initial value of HTMLText,
and assign that to the 2nd message,
but if I try to inspect Message.HTMLText, I get this error:
-2147467259 Method 'HTMLText' of object 'ISmtpMsg' failed

I know that if I delete the WODSMTPLib.wodSmtp object,
and make a new one, then the text/html part is turn off,
but I do not want to delete.

Can you help ?


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