Re: Trapping for error and displaying receive buff - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Trapping for error and displaying receive buff (General questions)

by Eric, Friday, December 07, 2007, 21:18 (5984 days ago) @ Eric

I found out something interesting with the Execute command.

Telnet1.WaitFor( p5104 - Select: )
Telnet1.DataReady = 0
Telnet1.Execute( T & vbCrLf, Select )
Telnet1.DataReady = 0
Telnet1.Execute( e51 & vbCrLf, Dev )
Telnet1.DataReady = 0
Telnet1.Execute( & vbCrLf, p5104 )
Telnet1.DataReady = 0
Telnet1.Execute( s51 & vbCrLf, Login )
Telnet1.DataReady = 0

Works, the Execute does not like any specail characters (space, or other) When I strip these out I am able to traverse the script. Is this becuse stripANSI removes them? I believe that I am battling some wierdness here. After the 4th Execute statement there is another error fired 10054 - The current socket connection has been reset. I am happy that i am able to get the code working this far but I really do need to complete all of the menus (10 in total)

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