Sample code now don't work for me - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Sample code now don't work for me (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by SKc, Saturday, December 01, 2007, 05:43 (5999 days ago)

I have posted previously the Subject: FormPostAdd & Request:Body in this forum. The below sample works at that time:

wodHttp1.Request.FormPost.Add Username , joe
wodHttp1.Request.FormPost.Add Password , joe

However I tried again today and now it does not work. As far as I know there is not much difference to my environment. Using same computer, same programming language - namely Progress OE10. But now it does not work. Error-code: 10053 - The current connection has been aborted.

The documentation says it would produce the following:-
POST /HttpDLX/Demo/TestFormPost.asp HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 25


When I display Request:body, I do see only Username=joe&Passowrd=j . Is there a way to verify it produces all the above?

The previous version I had used successfully was wodHttpDLX 1.5.4. However the version I am using now is 1.5.5.
Note that I have no problem in accessing a .asp on a local LAN. Problem arise when try to access an Internet website.
Any clue as to what could be wrong?

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