Re: Trouble using authPubkey authentication - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Trouble using authPubkey authentication (General questions)

by Damiano, Wednesday, October 20, 2004, 12:15 (7122 days ago) @ wodSupport

The key I'm using to connect with the server is taken from the server.
on the server I created a pair of private/public key using ssh-keygen -t dsa.
Then I inserted the private key into the db.
If I copy the private key on another linux system I can do a login with that key, so I think the system is ok.

I think it's a problem related to the conversion of the key in the code, so I will try to assign it directly in an array of chars.
Thanks for the support, I hope to write soon about my successful connection with a private key ! :)


error 2146798272 is in HEX 800A7540. Looking at last word HEX 7540 and convert it back to DEC is 30016 = Invalid login/password error.

So, let's see why you get this error. Did you upload public key to the server?

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