Re: Crash using authentication sample - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Crash using authentication sample (General questions)

by mbeaton, Thursday, February 01, 2007, 12:59 (6429 days ago) @ woddrazen

I'm using

Run the VB6 code in debug and put a breakpoint on the select statement.
Step through and VB6 crashes.

Without the breakpoint it works OK.

I've attached the exact code i'm using.

Private Sub wodSmtpServer1_Authenticate(ByVal User As WODSMTPSERVERCOMLib.ISmtpUser, ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal AuthMethod As WODSMTPSERVERCOMLib.SmtpAuthentications, Action As WODSMTPSERVERCOMLib.SmtpActions)
Select Case AuthMethod
Case AuthLogin
If Username = SMTPRelay And Password = SMTPRelay Then Action = Allow
Case AuthPlain
If Username = SMTPRelay And Password = SMTPRelay Then Action = Allow

Case AuthCramMD5
If Username = SMTPRelay And User.CalcCramMD5( SMTPRelay ) = Password Then Action = Allow
End Select
End Sub

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