Uploads Body not populating properly - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Uploads Body not populating properly (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by D Waters, Thursday, November 16, 2006, 23:53 (6391 days ago)

I think I have noticed a bug (I think this was fixed in a previous version).

When I upload a file in my browser to an instance of wodWebD.dll (v1.2.4 - latest) I expect to find the Uploads(x).Body populated with the file contents (I then am saving it to a BLOB in a DB). However, I get garbage instead. The amount depends on the size of the file uploaded. After examining the other properties of Uploads(s). I can see the correct attributes for the file. For example, the 'Begin' and 'End' properties correctly total out to the file size. However, when I copy the contents of 'Body' into another variable (I am copying to an ADODB.Stream, but get the same result with a standard string variable) I get a much, much smaller amount of data, that appears to be garbage. For example:

a file of size 3,774,631
Copied string=12178 <---- not copying all the data

Is this a bug? If I use the '.Save' method it DOES correctly save to a file - but I do not want this, I want to copy the '.Body' value directly into a database.

Thanks for your help

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