Re: Problem getting Listing for UNIX Type: L8 Serv - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Problem getting Listing for UNIX Type: L8 Serv (General questions)

by dtw01, Monday, September 25, 2006, 17:20 (6422 days ago) @ wodDrazen

Here is the log again, showing you exactly the commands being sent and received. The top one is the problem one where the LIST command is not being sent. The bottom log is to a different server and you can see the LIST command is being sent. Maybe the problem is your code doesn't know how to handle <virtual directory>?

Again however, my proposed logic would still hold true for this example. FTP1.RemotePath is already set to <virtual directory> and I'm also calling Ftp1.ListDir(<virtual directory>), so because they are both equal, I just want it to do a LIST. Please don't force another change directory, it's already in the right place.


Connecting to Site: AEL-DIA Settings: Protocol=FTP Port=21 PASV=False TransferMode=Binary

Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connecting to server
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: stx2-533-prd FTP server starting...
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Sending authentication data
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: USER ia10380
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: User ia10380 OK. Password required.
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PASS ********
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: OK. Logged in
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PWD
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: <virtual directory>
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connected to server - idle
Calling Ftp1.ListDir(<virtual directory>)
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Setting transfer mode
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: TYPE A
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: TYPE is now ASCII
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Changing current directory
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: CWD <virtual directory>
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: <virtual directory>
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connected to server - idle
Total Files in DirItems structure = 0


Connecting to Site: AEL-DMN Settings: Protocol=FTPSwithdata Port=21 PASV=False TransferMode=Binary

Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connecting to server
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: Department of Human Service Secure Transport site!

Secure FTP Server ready.
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Initializing secure connection
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: AUTH TLS
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: SSLv23/TLSv1
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Setting data channel security
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PBSZ 0
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: PBSZ=0
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PROT P
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: PROT command successful
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Sending authentication data
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: USER esupport@729713100
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: Password required for esupport@729713100.
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PASS ********
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: Virtual user ESupport@729713100 logged in.
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PBSZ 0
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: PBSZ=0
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PROT P
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: PROT command successful
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PWD
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: / is current directory.
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Connected to server - idle
Calling Ftp1.ListDir(/)
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Setting transfer mode
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: TYPE A
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: Type set to A.
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Changing current directory
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: CWD /
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: CWD command successful.
Ftp1_StateChangedEvent Args.NewState: Downloading directory list from the server
Ftp1_PreTranslateCommandEvent Args.Command: PORT 129,176,129,31,10,114
Ftp1_FtpReplyEvent Args.ReplyText: PORT command successful.

Complete thread: