Re: Problem: select text from the backlog and copy - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: Problem: select text from the backlog and copy (General questions)

by vbiggar, Wednesday, May 31, 2006, 08:09 (6533 days ago) @ vbiggar

I want to add some thoughts about the text selection problem noted in the above comment. Hopefuly it could help.

First an easy solution would be to have 2 areas defined. The first would be the visible area which could continue to be defined as it is without effecting the operation on the vt100. This area would start at (row, column) 0,0 in the upper left to 25,80 for example in the lower right of the visible screen. This would be a 25x80

Lets say we have 500 lines of backlog:
The second defined area would be independent of the visible area. It start at 0,0 at the top of the backlog to 80,500 at the bottom right of the visible area. This new defined area would only be used by the selected text property or the CLick event to allow the user to select the text anywhere on the object.

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