Re: wodTelnetDLX Terminal Window Visible Rows - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Re: wodTelnetDLX Terminal Window Visible Rows (General questions)

by Robert, Monday, August 23, 2004, 04:02 (7180 days ago) @ wodSupport

I was attempting to fill the application window (my VB form) with the terminal window control and maximize the visible sapce with active terminal rows. So on the VB form's RESIZE event, I update the wodTelnetDLX's dimensions to fill the screen. I guess I overlooked the fact that the terminal screen size (rows & cols) are sent to the server upon connection. However, some simple telnet enabled devices and RS232 devices do not care about screen size and do not implement emulation escape sequences that deal with screen control. I guess the best example I have found is in a competitor's product; they offer a RowHeight property that lets me deal with changing the number of Rows based on the size of the terminal window. This RowHeight property deals with the actual font height, etc under the hood.

For example, here is a VB code excerpt of what I am trying to do...


Private Sub Form_Resize()
'//Resize VT Window
VT.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight

'//Dynamically set the row count based on VT Window Height
VT.Rows = VT.Height (VT.RowHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
End Sub


Lastly, here is their description for this RowHeight property:

RowHeight: Returns the height of a single character (or line) according to the measurement units used by the container.


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