PHP as ISAPI does not properly pass variables - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

PHP as ISAPI does not properly pass variables (wodWebServer / wodWebServer.NET)

by D. Waters, Wednesday, August 10, 2005, 21:15 (6836 days ago)

I have been working on this one for weeks, but I have gotten it down to some anomally of the implementation of the PHP as ISAPI within wodWeb.

Browser sends (example):

Server, within IwodWebNotify_RequestDone:
User.Response.ISAPIExecute 0, User.Request.URI, User.ResolveURI(User.Request.URI)

Even if I change the second parameter to include the script AND variables that are being passed it does not work.

I have flipped the configuration around everywhich way possible. My final test to prove that it is something within wodWeb was to run php.exe against my PHP script, pass the variables, and capture the output to a file. I then put within IwodWebNotify_RequestDone a bit of code:
If RequestedPage = /dir.php?contentfolder=content&sort=nd
Then User.Response.Filename = c:webFileIManuallyCreated.txt

... and that worked!

So my conclusion is that the variables are not properly being passed by wodWeb to PHP ISAPI.

I recently updated to the latest wodWeb (when I noticed some CGI variable issues has been resolved), but that did not fix it either. I am guessing the ISAPI method is suffering from the same variable loss that the CGI method had.
Using wodWebD.dll ver and PHP 4.4 latest.

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