VBscript - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

VBscript (wodSSHServer)

by wodSupport, Friday, September 10, 2021, 11:09 (1051 days ago) @ FrontierDK


Well, running server component, that must run all the time, from withitn the script.. I'm not sure how good solution is that. But still, if VBScript can't handle in/out parameters not sure if you can use wodSSHServer in it directly, since this is not up to wodSSHServer - our code just don't see your changes at all. There's no workaround for that.


Complete thread:


  • VBscript - FrontierDK, 2021-09-10, 10:53 [*]
    • VBscript - wodSupport, 2021-09-10, 10:59
      • VBscript - FrontierDK, 2021-09-10, 11:07
        • VBscript - wodSupport, 2021-09-10, 11:09