Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64 - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64 (wodFtpDLX / wodFtpDLX.NET)

by ComputopGMBH, Tuesday, August 13, 2019, 09:24 (1810 days ago) @ wodSupport

Hi Jasmine, sure.

1. In the sample, I would like to see the settings for:

2. I don't want to write the file to disk directly. I would like to receive the file as "Stream", or byte array (byte[])
I do ask this sample because we already set TransferMode to binary and receivig the file as Stream may be causing the problem.



Specific sample to do.. what? Can you be specific please? If it's GetFile.. then there's no sample since GetFile is just a simple call, and sample as this one:

Describes the use.. What changes do you need on that sample to be more specific for your usage?


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