Out of Memory Error using PutData method - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Out of Memory Error using PutData method (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by WDP, Thursday, August 16, 2018, 19:49 (2073 days ago) @ wodSupport


what amount of data are we talking about? I'd like to duplicate this to see if we can somehow improve it. What component exactly are you referring to?


So far the largest size file i have been able to send is 165,823 KB. This is being done thru a VB6 application running on Windows servers. I am trying to narrow down where the actual problem is originating. Is this a limitation of the PutData method or is there some other issue, maybe on the server, that is causing the problem. The exact error description is Error #: -2147024882 Source: Microsoft Cursor Engine Description: Out of Memory.

Are you able to tell me where the temporary file is created before it gets sent. The help file says it is created in the temporary folder. Is there a Temporary folder associated to WeOnlyDo or are you talking about the users temporary folder.

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