Connected event never gets fired - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Connected event never gets fired (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by wodSupport, Sunday, June 03, 2018, 00:00 (2293 days ago) @ Kiril Malakhov

Hi Kiril,

ok, I'm no VB.NET expert, but in your code I added 'Withevents' keyword like in VB6,

Dim WithEvents sftpMy As New wodSFTPCOMLib.wodSFTPCom

and then sftpMy appeared in object browser, and I could choose event on rightmost dropbox, and code for it was autocreated, and it does contain Handles

Private Sub sftpMy_Connected(ErrorCode As Short, ErrorText As String) Handles sftpMy.Connected

and it does get fired. You can copy/paste code to it from your event that wasn't recognized as wodSFTP's event.

Can you try that?


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