LoopItem Event - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

LoopItem Event (wodSFTP / wodSFTP.NET / wodSFTPdll)

by Judgy, Saturday, March 05, 2005, 03:03 (7002 days ago)


you have defined the LoopItem event like
Private Sub object_LoopItem(LocalFile, RemoteFile, ItemType, Skip)

Why haven't you defined the event like
Private Sub object_LoopItem(LocalFile, RemoteFile, DirItem, Skip)?

With the DirItem class it would be possible to check file extension AND file date AND file size and then set skip flag or not.

Now I have to call recursively the ListDir method and go manually through the DirItems collection to check extension, size, date and then call GetFile for each single file I want to download.

It would be much easier if I could call GetFiles, could check in the LoopItem event the DirItem property/class and set the skip flag if I don't want that kind of file.


Complete thread:


  • LoopItem Event - Judgy, 2005-03-05, 03:03 [*]