How to initialize the static Lib version of the WodVPN? (General questions)

by ardar, (3209 days ago)

i purchased the source code and found that there is a project WIN32LIB, it is using to compile a LIB version of the WODVPN, i wish to use this one to integrate to my program so i don't need to deploy the ActiveX component, only deploy the exe is better.
After check the source code i saw many VPN_XXXXX apis in the Win32LIB.h, and try to use the

_VPN_SetSocketLibrary(HINSTANCE hInst)
_VPN_Create(VPNEventsStruct * events);

to initialize the WodVPN, but i don't know how to pass the parameter of HINSTANCE hInst. what structure should be passed to this parameter and is it anything need to be aware. because i just simply pass the empty INSTANCE struct to it, the code can be compiled succeesful but when executing, it failed in the inside of WodVPN lib, saids the hInst is not correct.

thank you very much.


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