Search method fails occasionally. - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

Search method fails occasionally. (wodVPN)

by buruss, Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 14:27 (3573 days ago)


I created a vpn client/server project.
There's one vpn client and several vpn servers.

A vpn client connects to a vpn server at a time and processes some tasks and disconnects.
The vpn client does this job through each vpn server in turns.

The problem is that sometimes method fails with timeout error after 10 seconds elapsed in "Linking" state.
I've tried both SrchUDPSingle and SrchUDPDouble option, but got the same result.

After terminating all client/server processes, and re-run them, same problem occurs after about 5 to 10 turns.
But sometimes occurs at very first turn. So this is quite random situation, nothing's regular.
Also not specific to certain peers.

Hmm, what should I do to fix this problem? Is there any suggestion?

Thank you.

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