How to return data line by line - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

How to return data line by line (wodSSH / wodSSH.NET)

by Ernesto Cullen, Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 12:26 (3440 days ago)

I have to process a command on a remote linux machine that will return a lot of text (think 'ls -alR /'). If I use ssh.Execute it returns all data as a string which is killing my memory, and in fact I need to process it line by line so I want to return the data that way. I tried several variations on following code, all gave me some text and then block completely until timeout. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


  String partialData = String.Empty;

  ssh.DataReceivedEvent += (sender, args) =>
     ssh.Timeout = 0;
     while (true)
         var tempString = ((SSH) sender).PeekLine();
         if (partialData.Length > 0)
           var s = partialData + tempString;
           partialData = String.Empty;
       catch (Exception ex)
         //receive whats left of the buffer, waiting for the next batch
         var partialString = ((SSH) sender).Receive();
         partialData += partialString;
     ssh.Timeout = timeout;

  ssh.Connect(hostname, port);

Action<String> action is a delegate that will be called to send each line.

Complete thread: