using other peer's internet connection - WeOnlyDo Discussion board

using other peer's internet connection (wodVPN)

by buruss, Monday, August 18, 2014, 08:00 (3700 days ago) @ wodSupport
edited by buruss, Monday, August 18, 2014, 08:07


Ok, I didn't set RedirectActive property = true on the other side.
after I checked "Redirect to remote peer" on both peers, it works correctly.
thank you.

But, still there's two problems.

1. Everytime I test vpn channel with "simple" project("TCPSocksProxy" type with SOCKS, without weonlydo virtual adapter),
it seems fine in first place, but after several times of web site navigation, the content of webpage do not completely displays, only upper part of the content shows and navigation stops. after several retries IE stops too. The site I've tested is "", "" which are popular portal sites in South korea. Is there any other way to improve stability of this vpn channel function?

2. On "Full network redirect" project, after I check "Redirect to remote peer" checkbox on both peers, it takes about 15 to 50 seconds until pinging each other succeeds, and then every networking tasks between each other peers work ok. When I click "disconnect" and click "connect" button and check "Redirect to remote peer" again, pinging succeed immediately, but after I close the project and rerun the project on both peer again, it takes 15 to 50 seconds again. Is it(time delay) a designed operation or do I missed something?

Thank you.

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