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Register method

Registers with the service.


  • Basic
The Register(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type XMPPService


This method will register current your account with the service. It is required to do so (usually once) in order to use service's features. Typical example would be to register your account with ICQ (or MSN, AIM, Yahoo etc..) network. You need to supply ICQ account so that Jabber server can login as you to that service, and then redirect all messages to you transparently. So, you would provide your real ICQ account credentials to Register method.

For example (VB code):
wodXMPP1.Services.Add(gateway).Login = Text1.Text
wodXMPP1.Services.Add(gateway).Password = Text2.Text

In the above sample, gateway value should be the name of the service.

