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VariableTypesEnum Enumeration

These are variable types that can be used XMPPVar and XMPPVar objects - which define how server provided certain values. You can use it for ChatRoom properties, or whenever server presents the data as a form - and these are variables. For example, you can find it also in ContactSearchDone event.


Possible values for VariableTypesEnum:

Constant Value Description
VarBoolean 0 Boolean variable.
VarString 1 String variable.
VarPassword 2 Hidden string variable.
VarOptionSingle 3 List of values, one can be selected.
VarOptionMulti 4 List of values, many can be selected.
VarStringMulti 5 String variable.
VarLabel 97 Label variable.
VarHidden 98 Hidden variable.
VarUnknown 99 Unknown variable type.
VarForm 1000 Variables form type.
VarReport 1001 Variables report type.

