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Authentication property

Determines type of authentication with the XMPP server.


An AuthenticationEnum enumeration.


  • Basic
object.Authentication [= value]
The Authentication(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodXMPP
valueAn AuthenticationEnum enumeration.


This property defines what type of authentication method will wodXMPP use when it tries to connect to remote server. Typically you will leave it to AuthAutomatic so best authentication model is negotiated and selected. However, in certain cases you may want to force, for example, AuthNTLM authentication by selecting it manually.

There is also option of selecting AuthNTLMCurrentUser. When selected, currently logged on user's credentials will be used. There is no need to set Password at all in that case, since wodXMPP will acquire it from Windows itself. You should make sure Login property is set to same value as currently logged on user, otherwise error will be returned.

If AuthAnonymous is selected, wodXMPP will attempt to authenticate without providing password. This feature also has to be supported by server in order to succeed.

AuthMSNOAuth2 is used for authentication to Windows Live account over XMPP protocol. In order to connect to Windows Live account you need to retrieve your access token. This value should be set inside Password property. Instructions on how to obtain access token and connect wodXMPP to Windows Live can be found in our knowledge base.

