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GetSettings method

Retrieves room settings from the server.


  • Basic
The GetSettings(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type XMPPChatRoom


This method causes wodXMPP to request list of settings (and corresponding variables) that are available for this chat room. When settings arrive, ChatRoomData event will fire. At that point you can access settings through Settings property, or you can show them to user using Settings.Show method. It is possible for server to return an error on GetSettings request, for example if you don't have sufficient permissions to retrieve the settings. In that case Error event will fire.

You can use code like this (VB example):
Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub  
Private Sub wodXMPP1_ChatRoomData(ByVal Room As WODXMPPCOMLib.IXMPPChatRoom)
 If Room.Settings.Show("Chatroom details:", Me.hWnd) Then
 End If
End Sub

Typically, settings can be viewed using Show method, like this:

