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DocumentRoot property

Holds root path for user's documents.




  • C#
  • VB.NET
String DocumentRoot {get; set];

Property DocumentRoot As String


When this property is set, wodWebServer.NET will automatically generate response to client's request from documents in specified path. If file with requested name is located - it is loaded as FileStream and put to Response.Stream property and Response.StatusCode is set to 200 (OK). If page is not found, Response.StatusCode is set to 404 (not found). You will still have a chance to interfere with this automation from within RequestDone event so you can change response properties. If you don't specify this property, wodWebServer.NET will leave up creating response up to you, completely.

This property is copied from wodWebServer.DocumentRoot property when client connects - you are free to change it at any time, so you can specify different document paths for different clients. It can be set up on 'per user' basis.

