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Sessions property

Returns collection of session variables.


WebSessions object


  • C#
  • VB.NET
WebSessions Sessions {get; };

ReadOnly Property Sessions As WebSessions


This property holds reference to collection of all session variables set for the user. When at least one session variable is set, wodWebServer.NET will send cookie to the client on each response - waiting to find the same cookie sent back by the client on connections that follow. When such cookie is found, wodWebServer.NET will automatically return previously defined session variables through this property.

Using session variables allows you do easily keep track of user's data during the session (session means more than one request/response). Usual usage is to ask user for login/password once, put it in session variables and then use in each subsequent connection (as long as session doesn't expire). Contents of session variables are *never* sent to the client - they are only known on the server side, and always kept in memory only.

