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AuthenticateEvent event

Fires when user wants to authenticate.


  • C#
  • VB.NET
delegate void AuthenticateDelegate(object Sender, WebAuthenticateArgs Args);
The AuthenticateEvent(Args.Action,Args.AuthenticationType,Args.Login,Args.Password,Args.User) syntax has these parts:
Args.ActionWebActions enumeration value. Determines if authentication is accepted.
Args.AuthenticationTypeWebAuthenticationTypes enumeration value. Provides type of authentication used by the client.
Args.LoginString. Holds login/username provided by the user.
Args.PasswordString. Holds password provided by the user.
Args.UserWebUser object. Reference to the user who is connected to the server.

Delegate Sub AuthenticateDelegate(ByVal Sender as Object, ByVal Args As WebAuthenticateArgs)
The AuthenticateEvent(Args.Action,Args.AuthenticationType,Args.Login,Args.Password,Args.User) syntax has these parts:
Args.ActionWebActions enumeration value. Determines if authentication is accepted.
Args.AuthenticationTypeWebAuthenticationTypes enumeration value. Provides type of authentication used by the client.
Args.LoginString. Holds login/username provided by the user.
Args.PasswordString. Holds password provided by the user.
Args.UserWebUser object. Reference to the user who is connected to the server.


Authenticate event is fired when user tries to authenticate with the server (no matter if you require it or not). You should check appropriate properties for the user (such as Login, Password) and then decide if you will accept user's credentials - by setting Action = Allow, or deny access by setting Action = Deny.

