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DNSHostname Property

Holds hostname of DNS server.




  • Basic
object.DNSHostname [= value]
The DNSHostname(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSmtp
valueA String value.


DNSHostname is used important for mail delivery, and is needed only if Hostname property is not set. wodSmtp will try to fill this value during its initialization (it will get information from the registry), but if it fails you need to fill it by yourself.

It should point to Nameserver address wodSmtp should use to find default mail exchangers of the recipient. Again - if you set Hostname property, message will be delivered through that hostname and there is no need to set Nameserver, because wodSmtp will never send any DNS requests.

Typically, wodSmtp will try to find "MX" record for the recipient's domain, or possibly "A" record if applicable.

