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ReceiptsEnum Enumeration

These constants define if wodSmtp will insert specific headers into the message that define if receipt is requested from the server/recepient when message is read/delivered.


OnDeliverySuccess, OnDeliveryFailure and OnDeliveryDelay will cause wodSmtp to send NOTIFY=SUCCESS,DELAY,FAILURE immediately after specifying RCPT TO command.
OnReadMessage will cause wodSmtp to insert 'Disposition-Notification-To' and 'Read-Receipt-To' headers into the message.

Possible values for ReceiptsEnum:

Constant Value Description
NoReceipt 0 Don't request delivery/read receipt.
OnDeliverySuccess 1 Request receipt on successful delivery.
OnDeliveryFailure 2 Request receipt if delivery fails.
OnDeliveryDelay 4 Request receipt if delivery is delayed.
OnReadMessage 8 Request receipt when message is read.

