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Getting started in VC

Working with the COM object and ActiveX control


Working with the COM object

In order to insert wodSmtp COM object in your project, follow these steps:

1. Install the component on your system by starting its setup program.

2. In the Visual C++ Compiler IDE, create project or open existing one.

3. Recompile, and open ClassWizard

4. Click on 'Add Class' button, then on 'From a type library'

5. Locate wodSmtp.DLL and select it. Select all offered interfaces. Click on 'Ok'. VC will now generate wrapper classes for all interfaces.

6. wodSmtp is now declared as COleDispatchDriver - you can initialize it from the code like this:
// in header file
IwodSmtpCom m_Smtp1;
// in CPP file

7. Do not forget to distribute wodSmtp.DLL when using COM object!

Working with the ActiveX control

In order to insert wodSmtp ActiveX control in your project, follow these steps:

1. Install the component on your system by starting its setup program.

2. In the Visual C++ Compiler IDE, create new project or open existing one.

3. Click on 'Project', then on 'Add To Project', then on 'Components and Controls' menu

4. in 'Registered ActiveX Controls' directory select 'wodSmtp Class', click on 'Insert' button, close the dialog

5. Compiler will insert control into the project and create appropriate wrapper classes.

6. Do not forget to distribute wodSmtp.OCX when using ActiveX control!

