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Site method

Executes SITE command on the server.


A String value. Holds result of SITE command (in Blocking mode only).


  • Basic
object.SetAttributes64[RemotePath], [SizeLo], [SizeHi], [Uid], [Gid], [Permissions], [AccessTime], [ModificationTime]
The Site(object,Command) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFtpDLX.
CommandRequired. A String value. Holds command that will be sent on the server through SITE request.


Site method will initiate SITE command from FTP protocol specification, together with some command implemented on the server. This varies from server to server. Usually, servers implement commands specific to their environment through SITE, such as CHMOD, CHGRP, QUOTA etc.. You can usually execute HELP command to retrieve list of all commands supported by the server.

When command completes, SiteReply event will be fired with results of the command. In Blocking mode, Site method will also return response of SITE command immediately.

