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LoopError method

Called after wodFtpDLX performs operation on item and error occurs.




  • Basic
object.LoopError Owner, LocalFile, RemoteFile, ItemType, ErrorCode, ErrorText
The LoopError(object,Owner,LocalFile,RemoteFile,ItemType,ErrorCode,ErrorText) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodFtpNotify.
OwnerA wodFtpDLXCom object.
LocalFileA String value. Full path to file/folder on local disk.
RemoteFileA String value. Full path to file/folder on remote server.
ItemTypeA DirItemTypes enumeration, as described in settings. Type of the item - file, folder, symlink.
ErrorCodeA Long value. Code of the error, if error occurred.
ErrorTextA String value. Text description of the error, if available.


This method is called only if you implemented IwodFtpNotify interface in your application, and wodFtpDLX.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

LoopError notification method is called as result of error that occurred during execution of GetFiles, DeleteFiles, PutFiles and LoopFiles methods. Since those methods are working with many files/folders in a sequence, error may occur while, for example, creating directory, accessing files (like permission problems) etc.. When an error happens, this event is fired and error is provided in ErrorCode and ErrorText arguments. You can now evaluate the error to determine why your method failed.

You are allowed to set ErrorCode = 0 inside this notification body, which would cause method to continue performing its work on rest of items, completely ignoring the error. If you don't set ErrorCode to 0, then method will return immediately with the error as soon as you leave this event.

