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PreTranslateReply event

Fires before wodFtpDLX evaluates received reply from the server.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_PreTranslateReply(Code, Reply)
The PreTranslateReply(object,Code,Reply) syntax has these parts:
objectA wodFtpDLX object.
CodeAn Integer value. Holds reply code returned by the server.
ReplyA String value. Holds reply text returned by the server.


This event can be used for monitoring replies FTP server sent as result of our commands, before it is actually received by wodFtpDLX. At this point you can change Code and Reply values to anything you like - and wodFtpDLX will think it received reply as you defined it here.

Beware - what you're doing here is dangerous for wodFtpDLX. You may break its internal mechanism of behavior, and strange results may occur. But - to provide you with more freedom over what's going on 'under the hood', we have provided this event for advanced users.

