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DirItems property

Returns collection of directory items


A DirItems object. Reference to collection of directory items.


  • Basic
The DirItems(object) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodFtpDLX.


This property will return reference to collection of parsed directory items, giving you direct access to item names, sizes, permissions... By default, wodFtpDLX will not try to interpret or parse received directory information - it will provide it as is. But, if you dislike parsing it yourself, you can access it using this property. First time you access it (for the same directory), wodFtpDLX will internally parse it to many DirItem objects - one for each item in the directory list.

In order to access this property and return list of the directory, you must call ListDir method first - so wodFtpDLX can retrieve directory listing from the server. Once ListDir is called, and Done is fired - you can access this property.

There is one different thing in behavior of ActiveX version (GUI version). It will always internally call this property - and will always parse received information - because it is necessary to display directory items in wodFtpDLX window.

Different server types may provide different types of directory listings, therefore wodFtpDLX may fail in parsing them. For this purpose, please make sure you set DirFormat property to proper server type.

