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TransferProgress event

Fires during file transfer.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_TransferProgress (ByVal Position, ByVal Total)
The TransferProgress(Position,Total) syntax has these parts:
PositionA Long value. Current transfer position.
TotalA Long value. Total number of bytes that will be transferred.


TransferProgress event is fired as progress indicator during the transfer initiated by SendFile/ReceiveFile methods. It will usually fire more than once, on variable positions. ZMODEM protocol, for example, sends different packet lengths depending on line speed and quality - and you cannot change these lengths.

It is possible that Position reverts back during the transfer - this happens if remote side didn't correctly receive our blindly sent packets, and we need to resend file from certain position.

When transfer finishes, TransferEnd event will fire. Same rules apply when file is being received.

