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KeyPress event

Fires when regular key is pressed.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_KeyPress (ByRef KeyAscii)
The KeyPress(KeyAscii) syntax has these parts:
KeyAsciiAn Integer value. ASCII code of the key that was pressed.


This event is only available in OCX (GUI) version of the component.

When wodTelnetDLX has the focus, each time user presses some key this event will be fired. Here you can inspect pressed key and handle it with your code, or you can just pass it to wodTelnetDLX and let it deal with the pressed key. If you don't want wodTelnetDLX to receive this keypress, you should set KeyAscii parameter to 0 - in which case wodTelnetDLX will never 'see' this key as pressed.

Actual wodTelnetDLX behavior is to send pressed key to the remote server, and let it deal with it.

