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StateText method

Returns string expression that represents (current) state.




  • C#
  • VB.NET
public String StateText();
The StateText() syntax has these parts:
Return valueString expression of a current state.

public String StateText(States StateID);
The StateText(StateID) syntax has these parts:
StateIDValue from States enumeration.
Return valueString expression of a given state.

public Function StateText() As String
The StateText() syntax has these parts:
Return valueString expression of a current state.

public Function StateText(ByVal StateID As States) As String
The StateText(StateID) syntax has these parts:
StateIDValue from States enumeration.
Return valueString expression of a given state.


StateText method will return string description of current state, or a value given by StateID parameter. For a list of possible values, look here. If StateID is not provided, string description of a current state will be returned, internally held in State property.

