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Disconnect method

Disconnects from the server with a message.




  • C#
  • VB.NET
public Void Disconnect();

public Void Disconnect(Boolean Force);
The Disconnect(Force) syntax has these parts:
ForceDetermines if connection is dropped immediately or QUIT command is sent to the server.

public Void Disconnect(String Message);
The Disconnect(Message) syntax has these parts:
MessageMessage that is sent to the server.

public Sub Disconnect()

public Sub Disconnect(ByVal Force As Boolean)
The Disconnect(Force) syntax has these parts:
ForceDetermines if connection is dropped immediately or QUIT command is sent to the server.

public Sub Disconnect(ByVal Message As String)
The Disconnect(Message) syntax has these parts:
MessageMessage that is sent to the server.


Disconnect method will close socket between wodSSH.NET and the remote server, thus breaking the connection.

After calling Disconnect, you can set new parameters and issue Connect method again.

