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DataReceivedEvent event

Fires when wodSSH.NET receives data from the server.


  • C#
  • VB.NET
delegate void DataReceivedDelegate(object Sender, DataReceivedArgs Args);
The DataReceivedEvent(Args.BytesCount) syntax has these parts:
Args.BytesCountInteger. Total number of bytes waiting to be received.

Delegate Sub DataReceivedDelegate( ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Args As DataReceivedArgs)
The DataReceivedEvent(Args.BytesCount) syntax has these parts:
Args.BytesCountInteger. Total number of bytes waiting to be received.


DataReceived event will be fired each time there is data to be read by your program using Receive (or ReceiveData) method. Args.BytesCount argument will hold maximum number you should use with Receive method once you decide to read the data.

You do not have to call Receive method immediately. However, Received event will not be fired again until you don't Receive data that is currently held in wodSSH.NET's internal buffers.

