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Done method




  • Basic
object.Done Owner, ErrorCode, ErrorText
The Done(object,Owner,ErrorCode,ErrorText) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodHttpNotify.
OwnerRequired. A wodHttpDLXCom object. Reference to wodHttpDLXCom instance that called this notification method.
ErrorCodeRequired. A Long value. Holds error number that occured, if any.
ErrorTextRequired. A String value. Holds test descruption of the error.


NOTE: This method is called only if you implemented IwodHttpNotify interface in your application, and wodHttp.Notification property has received reference to instance of your implementation.

This notification method is called when a data request completes. If the ErrorCode parameter is zero, the operation completed correctly. If the ErrorCode is not zero, then the ErrorText parameter specifies shows text description of error that occurred.

This is the method that will declare your request as finished. From this method you can issue new request, print out the results in Response.Body, check Response.Status if your request was successful etc.

If you did not call Connect method manually, then wodHttpDLX will disconnect from the server as soon as you leave from this method body- unless you make new request using Get, Post...

