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ProxyHostname property

Hostname of remote proxy.


A String value


  • Basic
object.ProxyHostname [= value]
The ProxyHostname(object,value) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodHttpDLX.
valueA String value.


When the wodHttpDLX client is unable to establish a direct connection (not connected directly to the internet, for example), the proxy option can be used. There are several types of proxies supported by the wodHttpDLX control. When any proxy is used, this property specifies the hostname for the remote proxy. Be careful, though. This property is not same as the Hostname property.

When a connection to a proxy is established, wodHttpDLX will issue a request to the proxy to open a remote connection to the hostname specified by the ProxyHostname property.

For example,
wodHttp1.ProxyType = ProxyWEBStandard
wodHttp1.ProxyHostname = ""
wodHttp1.ProxyPort = 80
wodHttp1.Get ""

would get default page from WeOnlyDo's WEB server, but through the proxy ''.

