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Progress64 event

Fires during data download/upload.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Progress(PositionLo, PositionHi, TotalLo, TotalHi)
The Progress64(object,PositionLo,PositionHi,TotalLo,TotalHi) syntax has these parts:
objectA wodHttpDLX object.
PositionLoA Long value. Lower 32bit part of current amount of data received from the server.
PositionHiA Long value. Higher 32bit part of current amount of data received from the server.
TotalLoA Long value. Lower 32bit total amount of data expected to arrive from the server
TotalHiA Long value. Higher 32bit total amount of data expected to arrive from the server


This event is fired when you post and receive document body from/to server, and more than 4.7GB of data is arriving. Up to 4.7GB Progress event fires, and when Position or Total values don't fit anymore in 32bit number, Progress64 bit event fires instead. Please note that Total argument may be zero - in which case wodHttpDLX is unaware of total number of bytes that will arrive. It depends only on server's 'Content-Length' header if this value is known or not.