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Pong event

Fires when response to Ping arrives.


  • Basic
Private Sub object_Pong (ByRef Contact, ByVal ErrorCode, ByVal ErrorText)
The Pong(Contact,ErrorCode,ErrorText) syntax has these parts:
ContactXMPPContact object
ErrorCodeA Long value. Represents error number for error that occurred, if any.
ErrorTextA String value. Returns string representation of the error, if any.


Fired whenever wodXMPP receives ping back from the remote side. This will usually be caused because you 'pinged' server in order to check the connection state, but this can also occur if you pinged another contact. In that case, The event will also provide you with Contact parameter, which will reference to XMPPContact object. This will allow you to retrieve information about that Contact.

Many servers don't even implement Ping as a service of theirs. In that case ErrorCode will be set - but even that is good for you and can be considered as good in terms of connection being alive - you got *some* response, right?

