wodVPN Object

Main wodVPN interface definition.

Object Model




AboutDisplays the About box.
ConnectConnects to the remote wodVPN.
DisconnectDisconnects from remote wodVPN.
FindMTUFinds optimum MTU between local and remote peer.
Search Searches for remote peer.
SendData Sends byte array message to remote peer.
SendText Sends text message to remote peer.
Start Starts listening and accepting connections.
StopStops listening for connections.

BindIPRead-write propertyIP address of local network interface that is used.
ChannelsRead-only propertyHolds the collection of all created channels.
ErrorTextRead-only propertyProvides text representation of the error.
LastErrorRead-only propertyHolds last error number.
MediatorRead-only property Returns reference to mediator's details.
MTURead-write propertyHolds Maximum Transfer Unit value.
MyIDRead-write propertyHolds user defined ID of local wodVPN.
NotificationRead-write propertyFast notification interface to use instead of events.
PasswordRead-write propertyHolds encryption password.
PeerDataRead-write property Returns data provided by remote peer Search Method.
RetryCountRead-write propertyDetermines how many times retry is performed.
RetryWaitRead-write propertyDetermines, in milliseconds, how long to wait between retries.
StateRead-only property Holds current VPN state.
StateTextRead-only property Provides test representation of the state.
TCPHandlerRead-only property Reference to internal TCP handler.
ThreadsRead-write property Determines if events are fired in their own threads.
TimeoutRead-write property Determines, in seconds, total number of seconds before connection drops.
UseUPnPRead-write property Determines if component uses UPNP to open ports on firewall.
VersionRead-write property Returns wodVPN version number.
VPNInterfacesRead-only property Returns list of VPN interfaces installed on local computer.
VPNRemoteMACRead-write property Holds MAC address of remote peer for VPN.
VPNRemoteIPRead-write property Holds IP address of remote peer for VPN.

ChannelStartFires when specific channel has started.
ChannelStopFires when specific channel has stopped.
ConnectedFires when wodVPN connects to remote wodVPN instance.
Disconnected Fires when wodVPN disconnects from remote wodVPN instance.
FindMTUDoneFires when MTU calculation is completed.
IncomingDataFires when byte data message arrives from remote side.
IncomingTextFires when text message arrives from remote side.
MediatorConnectedFires when mediator receives first packet from one peer.
MediatorDisconnectedFires after mediator stops receiving packets from the peer.
MediatorExchangeDataFires when mediator sends packet to peer.
SearchDone Fires when Search method completes its search for remote wodVPN peer.
SocksBind Fires when user wants to open incoming connection through remote wodVPN peer.
SocksConnect Fires when user wants to open outgoing connection through remote wodVPN.
StateChange Fires when wodVPN changes its state.
TCPConnected Fires when TCP handler connects to remote peer, or to mediator.
TCPDisconnected Fires after TCP handler disconnects from mediator, or from remote peer.
UPnPMapping Fires when new UPnP port mapping was created.
UserConnected Fires when user connects to listening channel.
UserConnecting Fires when user wants to connect to listening channel.
UserDisconnected Fires when user disconnects from the channel.
VPNRequest Fires when VPN connection is requested by remote side.