VPNRelay Object

VPNRelay Class


VPNRelay object holds information about each relay you created. Relays are used to pipe/forward/relay/redirect UDP packets from one peer to another. It are usually used when (for whatever reason) peers are unable to establish direct connection. In such cases, you should create new relay on some Port, and you should pass IP address and Port specified by the relay to their Connect method. Timing is irrelevant here.

Once users are able to connect to your relay, RelayConnected event will be fired where you can check if peers are ones you expected them to be.


IndexRead-only propertyReturns index of this relay in the collection.
LeftIDRead-write propertyID of left peer.
LeftIPRead-write propertyHolds IP address of left peer.
LeftPortRead-write propertyHolds originating port of left peer.
PasswordRead-write propertyPassword used between wodVPN instances.
PortRead-only propertyReturns port where relay listens.
RightIDRead-write propertyID of right peer.
RightIPRead-write propertyHolds IP address of right peer.
RightPortRead-write propertyHolds originating port of right peer.
TagRead-write property Tag for misc usage.
TimeoutRead-write propertyTimeout before peer is disconnected for inactivity.