MTU Property


Holds Maximum Transfer Unit value.

Property type

A Long value.  


object.MTU [= value]

The MTU Property syntax has these parts:

objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodVPN.
valueA Long value.


Maximum Transfer Unit value determines how large packets are that are sent as UDP to remote side without being fragmented. This value strongly depends on network connection. On local ethernet, typical value is around 1500 bytes. On DSL networks this is usually smaller, 1492 or event 1392. On Dial-Up networks this can be as low as 576 or lower.

You should of course use maximum value as you know you can use to get maximum wodVPN performance. However, please lower down known value for 20 when setting MTU property in order to give wodVPN some space to add their own bytes to it. Typically, wodVPN adds 5 bytes to each packet, but since encryption is used which works in 16 byte blocks, up to 20 can be appended to fill up last block.

wodVPN can find MTU for you - you should use FindMTU method for that.