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AuthenticationsEnumThese constants are used with SSH&SSL protocols only, and determine type of authentication used when connecting to remote server.
CharEncodingsEnumDepending on this setting, characters displayed in wodTelnetDLX windows will be encoded using specified character table.
ProtocolsEnumThese constants define what protocol is used when wodTelnetDLX connects to the server.
ProxyTypesList shows all methods of proxy types supported by wodTelnetDLX.
RecordModeEnumThese constants define which record mode is used when recording current session.
ScrollBarsEnumDetermines when scroll bars are visible.
SecureMethodsEnumPossible SSL methods to use with wodTelnetDLX.
ShowCursorEnumThese constants determine when is cursor visible during session lifetime.
SpecialKeyFocusEnumThese constants determine if and when are special keys (for example, function keys F1-F12, or combinations of CTRL, ALT, SHIT + those keys) captured by wodTelnetDLX, and when they are passed through to the environment (such as VB).
SpecialKeysEnumThese keys cannot be handled by wodTelnetDLX (except ARROW keys), so they are forwarded to your application for special purpose.
StatesEnumEach time wodTelnetDLX changes its state, StateChange event will be fired.
TelnetOptionsEnumThese constants define which telnet options will be sent to the server.
TerminalEmulationsEnumThese constants define terminal emulation that wodTelnetDLX will implement when connect to the server.
TransferProtocolsEnumBelow constants define supported protocols for SendFile and ReceiveFile methods - to transfer files through Telnet or SSH session.

