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StatesEnum Enumeration

Each time wodTelnetDLX changes its state, StateChange event will be fired.


Sequence of these changes will go like this:
1. When you issue Connect method, it will change to Connecting
2. Once connected, if Login and Password properties are set, it will change internally to LogonInProgress
3. If login is accepted (or was not specified), it will change it state in Connected.

Now you can send your own commands.

4. Each time data is being received it will change its state to Receiving
5. Each time you send the data, it will change its state to Sending

Possible values for StatesEnum:

Constant Value Description
Disconnected 0 Disconnected from server.
Connecting 1 Connecting to server.
LogonInProgress 2 Sending authentication data.
Connected 3 Connected to server - idle.
Receiving 4 Receiving data from server.
Sending 5 Sending data to server.
ProxyConnecting 6 Trying to establish connection on proxy server.

