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SetAttributes64 method

Sets attributes for a file or folder.




  • Basic
object.SetAttributes64 [RemotePath], [SizeLo], [SizeHi], [Uid], [Gid], [Permissions], [AccessTime], [ModificationTime]
The SetAttributes64(object,RemotePath,SizeLo,SizeHi,Uid,Gid,Permissions,AccessTime,ModificationTime) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type wodSFTP.
RemotePathOptional. A Variant value. Full path to a file/directory on the server.
SizeLoOptional. A Variant value. Lower long value of 64bit integer for new file/directory size.
SizeHiOptional. A Variant value. Higher long value of 64bit integer for new file/directory size.
UidOptional. A Variant value. Sets user ownership for the file/directory.
GidOptional. A Variant value. Sets group ownership for the file/directory.
PermissionsOptional. A Variant value. Sets file/directory permissions.
AccessTimeOptional. A Variant value. Sets last access time.
ModificationTimeOptional. A Variant value. Sets last modification time.


Use SetAttributes64 instead of the SetAttributes method only if the size that you want to specify does not fit into a 32-bit long value. If so, you should specify the upper long value of int64 size in SizeHi and you should put the lower long value in SizeLo.

