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LoginChallenge method

Called when the server requests a response to a login challenge.




  • Basic
object.LoginChallenge Owner, Challenge, Response
The LoginChallenge(object,Owner,Challenge,Response) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type IwodSFTPNotify.
OwnerA wodSFTPCom object.
ChallengeA String value. Holds the challenge expression provided by the server.
Response A String value. Value you should provide as answer to the challenge.


This method is only called if you implemented the IwodSFTPNotify interface in your application and the wodSFTP.Notification property has received a reference to an instance of your implementation.

The LoginChallenge notification method will be called when wodSFTP tries to use KeyboardInteractive authentication. This type of authentication is selected when you set Authentication = AuthPassword (or AuthAny by default) but password authentication fails. In this case wodSFTP tries KeyboardInteractive authentication (if available on the server) where the server sends a 'challenge' request that is shown on the user's screen and you must answer with the proper response in order to be authenticated.

Often, the server just sends something like 'please enter your password', but on some configurations this can be virtually any question. For example, the server may ask you to enter your one-time-password or your token ID.

