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Choose method

Shows dialog for choosing from available certificates.


A Certificate object. Certificate that was chosen by the user.


  • Basic
object.Choose (Title, Text, [OwnerHwnd])
The Choose(object,Title,Text,OwnerHwnd) syntax has these parts:
objectAn expression evaluating to an object of type Certificates.
TitleRequired. A String value. Holds title of 'choose' window.
TextRequired. A String value. Holds text that will be shown above certificate list.
OwnerHwndOptional. A Variant value. Holds HWND (handle of the window) for the 'choose' dialog.


Choose method will create and show new dialog that will list all certificates in the collection, allowing user to select one of his choice. Usually, Choose dialog will look like this:

Most common, you will set it up to select certificates using following code:
Set Certificate1 = Location(CurrentUser).Item("Root").Choose("Choose - demo", "This is textual description...")

If user clicks on 'Cancel' then Nothing (NULL) will be returned, otherwise new Certificate object is created and populated with selected certificate data.

